Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Red Riding Hood

The most recent film i went to see at my local cinema was the new Red Riding Hood and boy i wish i hadn't. I went with my girl friend and said i would keep an open mind while watching it. The fact that Cathrine Hardwicke (director of the Twilight saga) directed this film and it involved ware wolfs was a massive off put from the start. I was never expecting a great film and i wasn't wrong.

The film is about Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) and her love triangle with the boy she loves, Peter (Shiloh Ferdinand), and the boy she is arranged to marry by her family, Henry (Max Irons). Both of them looked like they should be in a v05 hair commercial or Twilight. Their village is being terrorized by a ware wolf that is taking their live stock and killing civilians. A search party goes to kill the wolf one night and think they are victorious but Father Soloman (Gary Oldman) shows and tells them other wise. It turns out that someone in the village is the wolf at night, so being in the retarded time that this film is set people turn on each other and accuse one another of witch craft.

I really did not enjoy this film for a number of reasons. The first being the acting was rather hit and miss from all the actors and actresses. When people died it looked like they where falling asleep rather than dieing. Secondly was that there was no element of mystery about the ware wolf. Hardwicke could have made the wolf a lot more scary and mysterious by keeping it in the shadows and only showing quick glimpses when it moved. There is one piece in the film that made my jump and that was a normal wolf witch was a lot scarier than the actual ware wolf. The film did a good job in keeping the audience guessing who was the ware wolf in the village and i would be surprised if any one in the theater guessed who it was from the start.

This film gets a appalling 1/5. The reason for a 1 and not a 0 was the fact that i think the director did what she set out to do which was to make a crappy Twilight kind of film that only 13 year olds and gay boys will enjoy. Don't take my word for it go see it for your self if you think other wise. Click here to see the trailer, and here for the IMDB page.

As always thanks for reading. I would love to hear some of your views on the film and some feed back on my writing. Follow and contact me on Twitter to let me know @athreed, or email me at

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